Ceramic Brake Pads are the Key to Quiet Braking

I’ve been putting a lot of miles on my Lectric Xpedition as I do Uber Eats deliveries in my local suburbs. That means a ton of braking at higher speeds 20 – 28 MPH. After just a few hundred miles of riding those brakes began to screech. Eventually that turned into full on finger nail on chalkboard like sounds.

Most ebikes come with Metallic or Semi-Metallic brake pads. But I thought I’d try to quell the noise with Ceramic Brake pads and it worked like a charm. Replacing brake pads is very easy, check out the video below.

These are the brake pads I used: https://amzn.to/3ZlbFyM Just make sure you get the same style to match your brakes, sometimes the hole for the kotter pin in in the rear, sometimes in the middle.

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